Monday, May 10, 2010

I Celebrate You... Mother

This goes out to all the mommies who serve the role of mother and father. Who make the sacrifices everyday to ensure that their child(ren) have all the necessities in life to become successful in this sometime crazy society. I celebrate the women whom who've through difficult circumstances have had to mother another because there was no one else to do so. And those of you who've had to take care of their own mother like their child. Your tireless efforts sometimes go without as much as a thank you but today I celebrate you my friends, my mentors, my confidant, and my sisters. I celebrate the new mommies who have brought new life into this world, this job you've take undertaken is no easy task, but still you're willing and able to do a job that so many don't understand. In each and every one of you is a diamond so precious so priceless that if one knew your value they'd keep you on a pedestal and never let you down. I see your shine and it's the reason why this world is a better and brighter place all because of you. When nothing else in life is certain one thing is remains permanent your love and sacrifices that you make every day. I celebrate all you are and all that you work hard to be. I love you.

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