Friday, March 2, 2012

NYFW Relax, Renew, and Recharge Tweet UP: Late Recap

Hello Beautiful People,

  My how the time has gone by. Since that faithful fashion week has passed I've been working to get ll the pictures up of events that I've gone to while still waking up daily to go to work. Whew February has been super crazy filled with events but also surprising loses i.e. Whitney Houston it's been quite crazy. Nevertheless I wanted to share with you an awesome meet up brought to us by Christen of and Ty of  GorgeousinGrey  The usual suspects were in attendance including Patrice of LookingFlyonaDime , Caprece of capreceknowsfresh Kim of makeupbyKim-Porter, Alicia Criner @BeautyChampagne , Cherrie CherrieAmore , Nichole @SugaRushtv, Christina @LoveBrownSugar and Danielle @RhapsoDani just to name a few. I got a makeover with the fabulous Shon Michaux and even won a $100 sephora gift card SCORE!  The best part is I got to spend time with amazing ladies who juggle the world and still have time to blog about the very things that make us happy and our world goes around and that right there is so priceless. Thank you Christen and Ty for bring the blogger ladies together for fun, beauty and bonding time. Here are some tweets and of course pictures of the great time.

RT @MissMerli: With the fab ladies @FlyonaDime @ohmyTy@CapreceIsHere @FashionzChick @DIVASANDDORKS@MLBDIVA @lakeisha73 @MakeupKimPorter...

The lovely  &  with  here at  

Makeovers are popping at  how does  look! 

Admiring my eyes

Eyes wide closed and beautiful thanks to this lady below

Christen of DivasandDorks

Patrice after her win

Lakeisha looking fabulous

Fab Sephora artist

Another fab artist jazzing up  Nichole of @SugarRushTV

The Beautiful Dani

Christen, me and Ty Strike a pose (pic courtesy of Ms. Cherrie Amore)
Me & Shon Michaux (She beat my face) Photo courtesy of Ms. Cherrie Amore
My partner in beauty crime Jennifer Mack (photo courtesy of Ms. Cherrie Amore)

Oh my Ty you're looking so fabulous!

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