Saturday, March 24, 2012

Things That Make Me Go Ooh La La: March 19-24, 2012

Hey Beautiful People,

     What a week it was with my new job I was on a search for comfortable shoes and came across some that really made my tongue wag. My place of choice was the 34th Street DSW, as I had some certificates and my birthday coupon to utilize. Any reason to get something new is always fun for me *wink*. I also had the privilege as one of my responsibilities to pick out paint colors for the new program at Brooklyn Children's Center. I'm also searching for furniture, games, books and everything to make sure that the Youth Resource Center is everything that a young person can dream up. I'll probably put out an SOS for donations for books and xbox 360 games for the youth. This is going to be just the beginning this is what the youth need, I can't wait for it to be open.

Sunday diva wear

Spring Collection at Bebe

My unique love of Desigual

My aldo buy

Birthday Shoes

The Living Room space for the youth being painted

Youth Advocates office

My office color 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeooous color of that green dress!!

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