Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beyonce's Call to Change "I Was Here"

More than a style icon Beyonce has brought attention to the many world issues that are currently taking place. In this video that was less about her and more about everyone else, one could not help but to shed tears to realize that so many of us can say "I Was Here". Whether it be through volunteering at a kitchen pantry, donating clothes to the less fortunate, or even just sponsoring a child to go to camp for a few weeks in the summer, we all can be apart of healing our world. Not many entertainers take that message on one that certainly pierces my mind is the late great Michael Jackson, but Beyonce certainly is making a stab at it and has done so with poise in this video. Stunning in her Marc Bouwer white sequin dress she dazzled and shined, her emotions beamed right through the screen and to my heart. One question that certainly one can translate through the song is, "How will you make your mark on this Earth?"




Michelle@Radiant Brown Beauty said...

Great post. The only mark I want to leave on this earth is one that says I loved God and was as unselfish as a person could be.

Lord knows I need work lol

Unknown said...

Love it Michelle me too and don't we all need work!

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